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Texada Handle Ideas Portal
Status Needs review
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 18, 2024

Adding custom fiscal month options for date selection

Having the option to select the current fiscal month rather than the current calendar month would be a big benefit. When looking at MTD sales for example, this would provide a more accurate result to match up with our sales targets. This would benefit store/sales managers and their teams to stay on top of their goals with having accurate numbers. We currently have a John Deere fiscal year option but would need to have custom fiscal month options made based off Deere's calendar.

How often would this idea be used? Daily
How much time would you save when the idea is implemented? It would save hours of work
How many people at your company would benefit from this idea? Most people (25 + )
What problem is your idea trying to solve?

The current pain we experience with not having these presets for fiscal months is that we need to manually filter data by adding two filters and having to change those filters every month. For example, when looking at fiscal MTD sales for Dec (Nov 23-Dec 20) we have to filter sales by >=Nov 23, 2024 AND <= Dec 20, 2024. And then on Dec 21st, we have to go in and change these filters for the next fiscal month.

"All good" would be having preset fiscal months loaded lining up with John Deere's fiscal months. This would make sorting data easier and more accurate.

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